
Electronic Organization

two people looking at a laptop

Right now, electronic organization is more important than ever. Working from home and remote learning have increased the need to prioritize our organization techniques and efforts. Electronic organization was important pre-COVID, but it’s even more relevant now, especially as the semester wraps up and it begins to feel like summer. It can be difficult to maintain habits as we get excited about the end of the school year and get antsy to be outside and with friends. 

Staying organized on your computer can feel overwhelming and disorienting. Often, we save documents to our desktop or Google Drive without thinking about the future need to retrieve them from the abyss of other documents. When we do go back to dig up the documents we need, anxiety and frustration can build as it may take more time than necessary to find what we’re looking for. 

 1. First, it’s important to get into the habit of titling documents. We don’t want dozens of “untitled” files floating around our drives and desktops. This is an easy first step to staying organized. The next step is to save these documents in specific folders so they’re organized under the appropriate subjects. 

2. Just like we have folders in our backpacks or filing cabinets (or storage boxes under our beds), we should have folders designated for each class (or project) — either in a cloud system or on our desktop. Having subfolders can add another layer of organization too! This might look like one folder for homework, one for tests, and one for administrative work. Having folders and subfolders will make it easier to save and dig files out later when studying for a test, finding an assignment to turn in, or reviewing a project. 

3. Continuing this organization is important, and having your student check in at least two times a week to organize their desktop and drive will help them to create that routine and stay organized. These check-ins also allow time to make sure everything has been turned in and ensure there aren’t unnecessary documents floating around. 

4. Keeping a list or calendar of assignment due dates (and where they need to be turned in) is key. It is even more important now, at the end of the semester, to make sure assignments are turned in on time. Considering that all assignments are now due online, and we don’t have consistent reminders in school about these assignments, it can feel overwhelming to keep track of everything. Keeping a sticky note on your desktop, an easily viewable document in your Google Drive, or a physical planner will help track this and relieve some anxiety. Knowing where to submit assignments online (Schoology, Google Classroom, etc.) should also be noted in your student’s planner. Consistently checking grades to understand course progress is also helpful.

Keeping an organized, cloud-based drive by titling documents and creating folders, as well as staying on top of updating your calendar and assignment list, will help your student feel a greater sense of control over their work and ensure that assignments aren’t lost in a virtual, document abyss. We are all excited about warmer weather and the prospect of summer, and we want to make sure that we all feel organized and accomplished as we wrap up the semester. 

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